Tuesday, September 30, 2008

There she grows again...

This first picture was taken around the end of september and the second one was taken the middle of july. Preemie diapers to size 2. Wow!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Because a smile is priceless

Baby's Day Out

Today we went to SPU in Seattle to visit Violet's aunt Angel. By we, I mean Grandpa Scott, Grandma Alicia, Uncle Given, Uncle Blessong, and of course...Auntie Showny. Since Showny and the grandparents continue to be amazed and impressed by Violets' every mood, these pictures suggest that they were the only ones there, but I assure you--there were others.

Auntie Showny, Violet, and Grandpa Scott under a tree on campus

Even though Violet is fast asleep here, Shown follows her like a little shadow in hopes that when Violet wakes, she can hold her first.

...let sleeping babies lie...

Auntie Showny and Grandpa Scott in Aunt Angel's dorm room

Grandpa and Grandma walking across campus while Violet gets a joyride.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Like mother, like daughter

Sleeping Beauty

This past week, Violet discovered her most faithful friend--her fingers. Here are a few pictures of bedtime etc...

Playing with Daddy before bed

Little elf baby wonders at the simple humor of the human parents...

...and this is how she sleeps...

classic Megan Libby (when she was also a Hurst) finger-sucking pose

another example

this is a closeup for those of you who are still unsure of her technique.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Baby's First Hike

Yesterday we went to Mt Pilchuck. We didn't make it all the way to the top, but had a great time anyway.

Violet loves her carrier

AJ returning after backtracking to find a lost bootie

too bright out

She's sound asleep here while the Lone Ranger gets his bearings

"I do a great impression of a hotdog..."

Already showing signs of being a chatterbox...

Violet loves "naked time". Few things make her happier than getting to lie naked on the changing table and talking anyone....including the ceiling.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Baby's First Road Trip

This past weekend we went to Moses Lake to celebrate Trustin's birthday. Here we are at a "scenic lookout" nearby. It was bright out.

those cheeks are only going to get bigger...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

An introduction...

Violet Elaine Hurst
was born July 10th, 2008 at 5:47pm
weighing 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 18 3/4 inches long
(for a very short time)

Here are some pictures to catch you up

First Wink

finally starting to look chubby...

getting the lower half of her face kissed by Daddy

sticking her tongue out. Suprise!